Family Tree Archived Data

Klara Adler nee ROTHSCHILD

25 Dec 1855 - 23 Oct 1942 (Died in Theresienstadt, Killed by Nazis, WW2)


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- - - - - - - - -   some errors  - - - - - from here:

Klara's Parents:

Michael Loeb ROTHSCHILD  and  Rebeka HAUSMANN


--- --- --- --- - - -   some errors until here    - ---19/1/2016 ---



Klara's Husband:

Baruch Adler (4.2.1856 - 2.4.1925),

son of Michael Yechiel Halevi Adler,

They were buried in Augsburg / Germany


Klara and Baruch's children:

 Albert ADLER, (banker in Munich) (see below)

and Lina Zinner, Mathilde Abraham and Bertha Einhorn

The Adlers in YadVashem:


Lina Zinner (nee Adller):


Mathilde Abraham (nee Adler):



Albert Adler:


Thea, Theaodora Adler (nee Markowicz):


After 70someting years the descendats of the above Adler family have found each other:  Skinner, Lindheim and Yoeli are 2nd cousins.


Many thanks to:
Ygal Assaf for his research and motivation,

Linda Köpper who sumbitted her paper "Biographie, Lina Zinner Geb. Adler" to

Fr. Dr. Benigna Schönhagen, in the Seminar Nationalsozialismus in Augsburg. Verfolgungsgeschichte im Spiegel der Lebensgeschichten Augsburger Juden.

 This work contributed to the the above families to find each other and reunite.

I got some of it printed in Oct. 2015 - - could you please send a Word/Pdf file?
Thanks again,
Yair                   yg100 at         4/10/2015



Theodora, Thea MARKOWICZ
b. 18.9.1899, Murovana Goslin, Germany
d. 1944,



Albert ADLER
b. 1.1.1890, Aufhausen, Stuttgart, Germany
d. 1944,

 Son of Baruch and Clara

 Muenchen - Positano (Italy) - Auschwitz. They Perished in the holocaust


The Markowicz Family Records - 2007


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Other families on my research: Bartenstein, Gadiel, Mlynarski, Frost, Horwitz, Werner, Beer