Seek Peace and Pursue it!-Photo Group wishes to thank Karen Henriksen, and the HRmarch Women in Dialogue, Copenhagen.
Public meeting for Tali Fahima and Manal Ghanim in Copenhagen, Saturday, September 17 2005, with speeches, music, performance and silent Women in Black vigil. Posters, T-shirts, leaflets in Danish and English, postcards and different written material. 181 supportive signatures collected. |
מחאת נשים בשחור למען טלי פחימה בקופנהגן, 17.9.2005, דנמרק. |
Photos by Mathilda Feldthaus and Robert Refby. © 2005. Edited by Yair Gil
A link to a Protest against the illogic conclusion of The commission investigating the death of 13 Arab citizens during demonstrations in October 2000 could not find any proof of anyone being responsible for the shootings. Horev Center, Haifa, Tuesday September 20th 2005. |